The site for the Waltz cassette store in Tokyo is pretty awesome. A spinning tape over photos of the shop that owner has called an “art gallery” for analog media.
More about Waltz: Interview with Waltz Tape Cassette Store in Tokyo found via Simon Collison.
Paul’s Boutique annotated. This album turned 35 yesterday. I am old.
Button Stealer: A Chrome extension that “steals” a button from every website you open. Kind of a neat way to see where you’ve been.
A second nice break by Ben Sledsens
“… a series of plates where photographs capture various clouds and are paired with drawings that schematize the clouds …”
By Alberto Ortega
“Purposeful scrolling for curious thumbs…”
A collection of links on various topics.
Twelve Earths “unfurls as a series of collaborations centered at twelve distinct sites—an impact crater, a nuclear testing ground, a primeval forest, a nearly submerged island, an open pit mine, and more—that together build a portrait of Earth, its converging timescales, and its interconnections. Improbably, these 12 sites are located along a single geographical ring: one unifying “great circle” stretching 25,000 miles around the planet.”
Big fan of “nooks” like this one from a reworked 1872 country cottage. /via ugmonk
“The Pizza Meter refers to sudden increases of pizza orders from U.S. government offices, such as the White House and The Pentagon, before large events such as the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait, the Panama Invasion, and the Grenada invasion.” /via Laura Olin