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The gentle art of pottering — That’s Not My Age

May is the unofficial start of the pottering season. For the uninitiated, pottering involves wandering aimlessly around the house or garden in a pleasingly disassociated meditative state, straightening pictures, wiping plant leaves, or de-bobbling jumpers.

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A neat little ASCII town to explore

A 3D Model of the now deceased Beauly Elm. The tree was “… rumored to be older than Britain itself.” Via Atlas Obscura.

Surrounded by dreck, the digital citizen is discovering that the best way to find what she used to get from social platforms is to type a URL into a browser bar and visit an individual site.

The Revenge of the Home Page (

More of this is being good at sales than anyone wants to admit.

Erika Hall on the job of a designer (

Bradley Ziffer’s personal site (

A view source web (

Piping at a subway station in Tokyo (

Heat Death of the Internet

Enumerating all the ways the internet currently sucks. Example:

You buy a microwave and receive ads for microwaves. You buy a mattress and receive ads for mattresses.

No one wants this.

The article does end on a positive note:

You read the Wikipedia entry and there is a lot of useful information supplied by a community. One of the sources cited is a non-fiction book. You go to your local library’s website and although they don’t have the exact book, they do have others by the same author. You place a hold on two of them, then go get your shoes on.

/via Chris Glass