An evening walk, lots of crunchy leaves and some ghosts.

Don’t draw the UI, draw the priority instead meaning you should " … write a humble list of priorities for every project: most important info at the top -> least important info at the bottom. So instead of trying to figure out the order of the information in a component—like a card or a table or what have you, we should use this content audit to help define the visual priority of each bit."

Landsburg continued to photograph the eruption until the last possible moment, leaving himself enough time to wind up his film into its case, place his camera in its bag, place that bag into his backpack, and lay his body on top of the bag as the final protective layer against the shower of magma and ash. (source)

/via tecznts

Now, instead of finished plans, designers must create possibilities for others to design and make; designers must build flexible platforms, defined by patterns and rules for interaction and rules for changing the rules. Instead of making decisions about what and how, designers facilitate conversations about why and who.

Hugh Dubberly

About Feeds hopes to ‘…become the default “Help! What is this?” link next to every web feed icon on the web.’

Typehut another super simple blog “… or newsletter, changelog, press page, devlog, announcements, events or anything else you can imagine.”

Analog is “a physical (paper + wood) companion for your digital tools that helps you prioritize and focus on your most important tasks.”