The “ghost hotel” nomenclature refers to an entire apartment building which is functionally a hotel because most or all units are short-term rentals instead of tenant-occupied.

Source: All Long-Term Tenants at a Montreal Apartment Building Were Replaced With an Airbnb Ghost Hotel – Pixel Envy

Rad Reader by Alexander Cobleigh. “It’s like a pokedex for personal websites, and designed to surface the latest posts for you to view rather than juggle an ever-increasing inbox.”

It’s really hot, let’s look at some classic cold photos. “Snow” by Photographers Arturo + Bamboo

Tools versus Systems. “Yes, the two are different.”

Japan Jazz Kissa Tour — 2023. Binaural recording from various jazz kissa in Japan. Headphones recommended.

Melike Turgut created this diagram to try to “pin-point the stages of my creative process.”

If your concept of “progress” doesn’t put people at the center of it, is it even progress?

Source: I’m a Ludite (and so can you!)

Webring. A list of hand-crafted wikis and portfolios.

What I learned from taking a train across the US. “Here’s how US train travel went from excellent to mediocre.” A Vox video.

Multi-layered calendars. “Notes are just emails to your future self. Emails are just tasks. And tasks are just calendar events.”