Historical travel times from New York City to the rest of the...

Historical travel times from New York City to the rest of the U.S.

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Salt Architecture + Interiors

Gallery of Tirana 2030: Watch How Nature and Urbanism Will...

Gallery of Tirana 2030: Watch How Nature and Urbanism Will Co-Exist in the Albanian Capital

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Rhenen – Product — The Public Domain Review

"How often is it acknowledged that people thrive better in lower stimulus environments?"

“How often is it acknowledged that people thrive better in lower stimulus environments?” - Lower stimulus environments | A Working Library

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Akiya (vacant houses in Japan) “are becoming less like financial assets and more akin to natural resources, available to be harvested by those who wish put in the time and substantial effort to reclaim one from natural decay.”

A far-right attack on a community college reveals a blueprint for destroying higher ed

The problem goes far beyond a three-person majority on the trustee board of a small community college. NIC and many other institutions are in danger because, over the last decade and a half, a core group of extremists has slowly taken over the Idaho Republican Party in the same way that a parasitic wasp slowly takes over its host. This required no astroturfing or Koch-fueled cash infusions, just a regular, everyday indifference to hyperlocal politics. The tactic is underway elsewhere, but Idaho got a head start. This crisis is what happens when insurgency bears fruit.

Emphasis mine. Currently looking for more ways to be involved in my community.

Remind me later is a comic about “technological problems.”

it’s okay if you just pick one thing you really care about, and it’s okay if that thing is “being a good friend” instead of “maximizing your potential”

On what it means to not have time

Walkcast is an ever-changing podcast generated as you walk, revealing the hidden layers that surround you.