Week 19.20: instrumentals, advice, stuff to love, and more
- I created a Spotify playlist of mostly instrumental music. Not saying it’s great, but maybe you’ll find something to add to your own “Please Lord, just let me string together an hour of focus time today” playlist.
- Kevin Kelley’s 68 Bits of Unsolicited Advice is chocked full of great advice, but I think I like this one the best: “Learn how to take a 20-minute power nap without embarrassment.”
- Times Like These performed by Live Lounge Allstars (and the Foo Fighters) is great.
- Balsamiq Sans, the base font used in the venerable wireframing app of the same name, is now available as a Google Font.
- Some things to love
- An abandoned church
- An indoor garden
- “At its worst and at its best, the internet extracts humanity from users and serves it back to other users.” - Lurking