ui.land is a selection of websites, tools, engineers and designers to inspire, learn, and create. I can’t resist a good “list” site.
Words like this presents beautiful passages of poetry in a beautiful, contemporary way.
Websites, Done Cheap “More convenient than a new hobby!”
A collection of links on various topics.
A neat little ASCII town to explore
Bradley Ziffer’s personal site (bradleyziffer.com)
A view source web (viewsource.info)
Is the kottke.org comment section the best community on the web? I’m not a member yet, but I have been a lurker and it seems like a great place to hang out digitally.
Some things for week 16 of 2024.
Anyone else enjoy looking at the tracking details of a package. Watching an item wend it’s way through a system of warehouses, trucks / trains, and multiple states. Maybe I’m the only shipping infrastructure nerd out here.
“And yet, making observations is a good starting point for giving feedback. The trouble arises when we assume that those observations are both the start and the end, that we’re walking along a very short track.” From What you see by Mandy Brown. Can I say how much I appreciate everything changes? Lot’s of thoughtful writing!
The website for the restaurant, Madeline’s is just so great. I was thinking the receipt concept would break down with deeper navigation, but nope!
Lake Superior should really be considered an inland sea that is “wild, masterful, and dreaded.”
Ok, I want this van.