The truth is that whether or not AI determines our future will be decided by a confoundingly small minority of humans who nevertheless control a counfoundingly vast majority of the world’s wealth. This is not a technology issue, really, but one of structural inequality.
From Out Random the AI.
See also, Jon Stewart on the False Promises of AI
“looking down at an undulating fog bank that completely obscures the valley below. It’s like a mysterious sea with a forest-blanketed peak to the rear on a landmass ascending out of it. I don’t know what’s below the gray waves. Whatever is down there, it’s a different place from up here. I’m on a sky island”
“Night Driving” for Volkswagen. Man, I forgot ads used to have the capacity to be amazing. See “Milky Way” also for Volkswagen. Via @genmon on accessing something other: “escape time, escape selfhood, whether that’s driving in the dark or sitting in a hotel lobby or walking.”
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Cherry blossoms by @sadtearsfish
High up on the Chisos, Davis, and Guadalupe mountains, rarified ecosystems abound in the sky islands of the Trans-Pecos