A “Christmas” album that resurrects each year. Example comment:

The last time my grandfather and I hangout together 2 Christmas' ago, I had this on in the car and I’ll never forget when he told me how much he enjoyed The Grinch flip. It made me so happy. I miss him everyday now. What a good human. Rest in peace.

IMG_0001 is a site where you can watch random (forgotten) YouTube videos from when iPhones had a built-in “Send to YouTube” button.

A clothing tag that says take care of yourself Wake up early. Exercise first thing. Drink good coffee. Stop worrying. Less screen time. Read books. Have a bowl of Coco Pops.

From the Paynter Jacket Co. in 2020, but may be just as useful “care” guidelines for now. I’d add “Spend time with old friends” to the list as well. I was lucky enough to do that this past weekend and can say it recharges the batteries.

SUSA, the small conceptual electronic device can perform many of the functions of a smartphone, tablet or portable computer.” I’m dubious of all things AI, but the actual device is pretty neat. Shades of the Light Phone III.